Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hi Everyone:  Welcome to our little corner of an Art Studio.  It may be small for now but we have big hearts an we welcome and enjoy all our little Artists.  And Artists they are!!  Just look at all they have accomplished.  They even Airbrushed the  background.  Great for being brand new students.  Please call our studio for a big discount for the month of May.

Here are some of our latest endeavors:

Monday, February 27, 2012

I am trying again to post a video

This is the preview class for this year's Art and Painting Classes for Kids. We are introducing huge discounts for Spring Classes.  Please call the Studio!

       This artwork was accomplished in 6 classes by an 8yr. old boy.  His first painting classes.  Needles to say it is hanging in the family's living room      Instructor:  Nereida Rodriguez

Here is Friday's beginning Drawing class.

Instructor:    Wilo Segarra

Monday, February 20, 2012

At the Studio

At the studio, you will learn the value of developing your ability to express yourself through art." Art has a stimulating effect on the brain.  It really does help individuals to think better.  It stimulates the endorphins in the brain, which are essentially happy hormones.  I helps to have a sence of joy and accomplishment." Dr. Uzma Yunis of New Foundation Center.  So come and paint with us.  In most cases you will take home a finished painting at the end of the month.
Classes are  as follows:       Children:                 Fridays:     5-7p.m.  4 classes a month     $75.00
                                         Adults:                     Fridays :    10 a.m.-12 noon
                                                                                 Saturdays:    6-8p.m.                              $90.00
Other Classes at The Studio:  Drawing for adults and childdren, airbrushing instruction, Art Journaling

"Toward Home at Last"
  Acrylic on Linen
by Nereida Rodriguez ( art instructor at Wilo"s Art Studio)
       Acrylic on Linen
   At Wilo's Art and Airbrushing Studio we specialize in Airbrushing Instruction.  Come by and see our work.  We do custom airbrushing on the premises

This car is being stripped and rebuilt.

These paintings are airbrushed

welcom to my Art Studio.

Art is Awesome!  Creating art is one of the most satisfying ways to spend an afternoon.  It de-stresses and builds self confidence and a feeling of acomplishment.  In children it helps improve motor skills and confidence through self-expression.  Helps them develop problem-solving skills and great satisfaction upon seeing what they have acomplished.